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♥ Kuro Boo 瑋琳 ♥

♥ Its Me Jessry Mak ♥

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kuala lumpur, selangor, Malaysia
= bOut Me = * Mak Wei Ling{麦玮琳} * 16{form 4} * SMK Seksyen 4 Kota Damansara * a bit crazy * chg mud every day * scold ppl who bully me * lk 2 singin..dancin..clubbin.. * muz hang out wif fren when holiday + luRb + * listen music * shoppin * surfin * clubbin * slpin * watchin muv * hangin out wif fren * sms wif bibi * read ghost stories * scaring fren + hAtE + * ppl who lyin * ppl who bully my buddies * ppl who din educated * ppl tat smoke * arguing wif bibi * cockroaches * snakes * rats * arguing wif my buddies * ppl who empty promises

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Exam 'Month'

fuckin busy 4 de whole month..
cuz sitting on de last term exam nw..
its crazy rite??
hw cum exam can lastin 4 a month..
but it oso gud cuz hv more time 2 do revision..

its extremely tired 4 tis month..
not only nid 2 do revision..
still gt tuition..after tat nid 2 teach tution..
no choice cuz im lack of $$..

tis week is full of exam..
sej..pm..add mm..bio n physic..
avy subjects nid 2 memorize well..
especially sej..a thick book n nid 2 memorize till finish..
im reali mad..
wat de hell its talkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

n i had ady register at Cekap Tuition Centre..
hapi wif it cuz no nid stay at de rubbish tution centre anymore..
juz wasting my time..
but bcuz of de time matter..
so juz can learn physic n add mm at thr..
nvr mind la..
at least gt..n my teacher was very hapi when saw me go bac thr ^^..
i miss Cekap soo much..its teachers are reali awesome..
a lot of method u can learn tat wont bored u..
hope i can improve my result next year..
no more honey moon..
nid 2 b so serious cuz SPM is waitin me.. :)

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