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♥ Kuro Boo 瑋琳 ♥

♥ Its Me Jessry Mak ♥

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kuala lumpur, selangor, Malaysia
= bOut Me = * Mak Wei Ling{麦玮琳} * 16{form 4} * SMK Seksyen 4 Kota Damansara * a bit crazy * chg mud every day * scold ppl who bully me * lk 2 singin..dancin..clubbin.. * muz hang out wif fren when holiday + luRb + * listen music * shoppin * surfin * clubbin * slpin * watchin muv * hangin out wif fren * sms wif bibi * read ghost stories * scaring fren + hAtE + * ppl who lyin * ppl who bully my buddies * ppl who din educated * ppl tat smoke * arguing wif bibi * cockroaches * snakes * rats * arguing wif my buddies * ppl who empty promises

Friday, November 25, 2011


juz now went 2 checked in tis link..
a link tat make me nervous when every time i click in..
and already knew tat i gt no.13 in class for the last term exam..
and gt no.15 in the whole Form4 students of my rubbish school..
its not a good news for me..
because my mummy keep scolding me..
keep competes my results with others'..
ya la..mummy..stop scolding me..
i know im stupid..i can gt good results..
sorry lo..but what can i do now..
i'll do more revision after tis..ok??
i promise gt at least 5As in my SPM..ok??

im suffer from insomnia every night..
although i wake up at 8am and go 2 work..
really very tired but can't sleep at all..
im suffering so much..
thinking of the nonsense things every night when cant sleep..
almost crazy..!!
especially when i day off..i like 2 drink Nescafe when lunch time..
it make me more suffering...
my eyes are open widely althoghy it was already 2am..
haiz..insomnia..pls leave me away..gv back me a good night and a sweet dreams..~~

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