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♥ Kuro Boo 瑋琳 ♥

♥ Its Me Jessry Mak ♥

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kuala lumpur, selangor, Malaysia
= bOut Me = * Mak Wei Ling{麦玮琳} * 16{form 4} * SMK Seksyen 4 Kota Damansara * a bit crazy * chg mud every day * scold ppl who bully me * lk 2 singin..dancin..clubbin.. * muz hang out wif fren when holiday + luRb + * listen music * shoppin * surfin * clubbin * slpin * watchin muv * hangin out wif fren * sms wif bibi * read ghost stories * scaring fren + hAtE + * ppl who lyin * ppl who bully my buddies * ppl who din educated * ppl tat smoke * arguing wif bibi * cockroaches * snakes * rats * arguing wif my buddies * ppl who empty promises

Sunday, June 19, 2011

~mY rEsUlt PapEr~

lastly..my holidays were finished...
is de time to face my result nw..
same as my expection..my result were terrify..
but i bear 2 face it nw..
cuz almost de whole class have bad result too..
same same la..haha..
mosquito would b de 1st at tis term exam..
a bit of surprise..but nvr mind la..
cuz she is reali terror..n de most important is she is not lk sum ppl..very proud..

heard frm my mummy..tat u dun wanna study d..
i felt surprised when i heard tis..
keep askin myself is it true..
n y..god..tel me y..
y i have a cousin lk tat..
i felt embarrassed being ur cousin u noe..
a girl without education..
wat u wanna b when u grow up..
u r juz form 2..
dunno anythg..althoght de simplest mm..
u cant handle it too..
or u wanna b a waitress 4ever..
or find a wealthy husband n gt ready to marry..
pls la..think thoroughly b4 do stg...
dun make ur parents feel disappointed..
u r a gurl..so try 2 appreciate wat god had gv u..
these paragraph is always poppin frm my mind when i felt loss n tired..
its absolutely rite..female gonna b independent..
mayb sum ppl think tat had gud education for wat..
i can ans u wif confidence..for our future..
mayb i cant gt gt result in my exam..but at least i gain knowledge frm it..
sum ppl can stupid till can wrote the words the end-the and..
wat english is tis???
juz a simple word..~~

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