it been a long time i din update my blog..
cuz i hv no mood 2 write it..
erm..wats my topic 2day??
im still thinking actually.....
since i worked at thr..
i know a lot friends..
from a stranger..till nw..we can say we are best friends..
at least we can making jokes together..laugh together..
it is very happy..bcuz i thought tat we are juz colleagues..
but actually not..!!
i cant said tat i very understand u all..
but from my opinion..u are a person lk tat..
HUI LING- almost the head at there..we can die if without her..
but sometimes..she wont talk 2 us suddenly..
she's quite weird..but never mind..
she is also our driver..always fetch us go sana sini..~~
STAR STAR- gorilla..haha..i think she will beat me after saw the gorilla name..
im juz kidding..she is the 2nd head..
i like 2 tease her every time..cuz she is really a funny and optimist girl..
“你可以静静吗?”the sentence she always say when i tease her..haha~~
YOKE YIN- we seldom see each other..but she is also a very funny girl..
she can laugh non-stop..and i like her style calling my name..
Muack sweet man~~
ENGINE CHONG- u all should know who im talking to..her other name is 'Da Ping'.. big enough..bigger than me..lose jor..T.T
before tis..we thought each other were very 'lansi'..
but nw..crazy till dunno hw 2 imagine it..~~
SWEET WAN- my best friend..i LOVE her very much..
becuz she's the 1..the most understand me..
and the 1 who most tolerate with my temper..
we know almost 12's for sure we had arguing before..
no matter wat happen b4..the important is..
i need her so much..
without her..i have no one tat can burst out my feeling..
except my dear and family..she's the 1..i need so much~~
JESSICAL LOW- our relationship very close too..
but tis fellow teach a lot of bad thgs..haha..jkjk~~
AH BII- a very clever girl..has a very dark skin too..
haha..i always treat her as slave..
sorry for being tat..u are juz like our younger sister..
so we all bully u..dun blame us ya~~
MING LOONG- a fucking fuuny guy..
but i HATE him very much..
always tease me.. i owe u stg last lifetime..
y always bully me..T.T
these are all my beloved colleagues..