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♥ Kuro Boo 瑋琳 ♥

♥ Its Me Jessry Mak ♥

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kuala lumpur, selangor, Malaysia
= bOut Me = * Mak Wei Ling{麦玮琳} * 16{form 4} * SMK Seksyen 4 Kota Damansara * a bit crazy * chg mud every day * scold ppl who bully me * lk 2 singin..dancin..clubbin.. * muz hang out wif fren when holiday + luRb + * listen music * shoppin * surfin * clubbin * slpin * watchin muv * hangin out wif fren * sms wif bibi * read ghost stories * scaring fren + hAtE + * ppl who lyin * ppl who bully my buddies * ppl who din educated * ppl tat smoke * arguing wif bibi * cockroaches * snakes * rats * arguing wif my buddies * ppl who empty promises

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Wanna Cry

in tis moment rite nw..my heart is thinking bout u..
still rmb yesterday..da moment i hug u..i kiss u..n i cry..
u r askin me y..u looked so frightened..
i noe u was worrying me for few weeks..even a month..
dear..im gonna tell u..im alright..
juz let me cry 4 a while in ur bosom..
yup..juz 4 a while..n i'll bac 2 normal..
i'll promise u..~~

dear..da 1870 days wif u..
keep waitin 2000 days..its excited..
been waitin 4 long time..but nw..
it is cumin soon..juz 4 another 130 days..bout 4months..
haha..da 2000 days..muz b a memorable day..right???

chg topic..bout frenship..
mosquito..dunno whether u gt c tis post..but its ok..juz wan 2 tell stg..
i noe..u r da only daughter in ur houz..but..
its different at skul..pls..
v hv no need tolerate wif ur attitude..
ya..i noe..avy1 has their disposition..include myself..
bad temper..i noe..but i'll try 2 control it....
n mayb..u hv not treaten me as ur best fren..nvr mind..its ok..
but being a 'normal' fren wif u..juz wanna told u..~~

exam is cumin again..but tis time is a little bit chg..
without time table..gosh..when should i start 2 do revision..
our principle is a bit weird..doin stg tat wastin our time..
buletin la..assembly gt 'lucky draw' la..n wat else la..
pls la..u think our skul is international skul or wat??
juz a malay skul + a serious discipline problem..
dun think tat do stg can chg them..it wont..
u r juz make more ppl truant skul on avy Monday..~~

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Celebration Of My 16th Burfday

celebrated my burfday in advance..
dear,mushroom,mosquito,mono boo,mario,min min + me were present..
v celebrate at 1Utama..
1st went 2 buy tickets-Hanna..
its quite okay..
de 1st movie tat made me wanna fall asleep..
havin our breakfast at Pasta Zan Mai..
da sushi was very delicious..in luv wif it..!!

lets take photos :>
Our 6M Group..best fren 4ever..~~

mosquito photographer...dun perasan ar..

a 'L' alphabet pendant at Poh Kong frm mummy...thx mum..~~
chocolate frm my dear..~~

da books tat i buy at MPH..再看一眼& Howl..~~

havin our lunch..a big jug of tea at Wong Kok..~~


taken by my dear..nice??

our hands^^

my dear wif me~~

thx dear n my buddies celebrate burfday wif me..
arguin b4 tis bcuz of sum misunderstanding..
but nw settle d..
23/7..im reali very hapi..
n i appreciate our frenship wif each other..
i luv u all..~~

5M Group >
M1: Moutain
M2: Mario
M3: Mono Boo
M4: Mushroom
M5: Mosquito

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Report Card

yesterday...it should b a big day for me as a student..
but it wasn't..
'Hari Terbuka'..
for all those parents 2 cum n communicate wif our teacher..
understand wat r v doin in skul..
but de most important part..
was de result..

since i at secondary skul..
i gt no.1 in my class for all term in exam..
i felt so proud of it..
although im not at de 1st class..
but at least i in 1Cerdas..
i still rmb my teacher-Cik Rosnah..
guide me all de time..
when she saw i played wif CV..
she was very angry..
she advice me dun close wif them too much..
its not benefit me..

until i study in 2Bakti..
i rmb wat my BI teacher said when ready 2 gv bac us de result paper..
'tat was a ppl i thought she will gt high mark at tis term exam..
but she didnt..she made me disappointed..'
i noe she was talkin bout me..
i felt so embarrassed..i felt sad..i made my teacher felt dissapointed..
i couldn't bear 2 looked at her at tat time..

avythg chg..
at de 2nd term exam..im not at de 1st again..
but i already realize it..
sori 4 makin my family felt disappointed at me again..
i had ntg 2 said..juz SORRY..
but luckily..i gt 7As in my PMR..
i almost cry out when i gt me result..
its unbelievable..i thought i juz gt below 5As..
i cant expect it too..
i felt hapi..n avythg runs smoothly..
i had enter in science streams at 2011..
although i felt stress nw..
avythg was confusing..but i'll try my best..